At this moment, there are no Oranje matches scheduled in the ArenA. Stay updated and check out our calendar.

Want to go to a Dutch National Team match with your colleagues, football team, entire family or a group of friends? You can! For all information regarding skyboxes from 10 to 70 people, please contact us at sales@johancruijffarena.nl.

Dining at Oranje matches
Complete your evening with a diner in the Johan Cruijff ArenA prior to the match. In collaboration with our caterer Hutten, a delicious menu is put together for each match that will be served in our restaurants On5th and Glasgow. Will you be sitting in the main stands or in the 1st ring East at a Dutch National Team match? Book now and start the evening with your group in the perfect way!

Did you buy tickets for an Oranje match at the Johan Cruijff ArenA? Great! In our guide to tickets, we’ll explain how you can easily distribute the tickets digitally to the friends you’re bringing along, and how you can download your tickets in the JCA Ticketing App.